Touch for End of Life Care
An Online Certificate Course only on
About this course:
Death is totally having a moment! In the past few years we have been presented with the opportunity to look at what most of us are content to keep in the shadows. If you haven't ever considered what it might mean to have a "good death" and what kind of support is required in order to do so, this class will provide the perfect container for that discovery.
We will focus on holding heart-centered space for the death transition, alleviating pain where possible, as well as providing comfort and support through presence and quality of touch. This journey will ask us to look at the industry of death, the mechanics of death, as well as to contemplate our own death in order to better hold space for others during this transition.
Together we will learn how to shift our application of touch for end of life care, several energy work modules, and protocols for several death right practices that you can offer those transitioning and welcome their families to participate in. There will be a strong theme of ethical practice woven throughout this course and there will be a large amount of self discovery. Please do not embark on this journey if you do not have personal time in which to reflect as you go. Creating time for self care will be essential to successfully moving though this course.
Instructor: Catheryn Schoenfarber — LMT, Founder of Spirit Wellness Institute + THE PORTAL
Who can take this course?
This course was designed as continuing or supplementary education for LMTs and death workers. Massage Therapists, Bodywork Professionals, Energywork Practitioners, Nurses, CNAs, and Death Doulas are all eligible to take this course.
The work offered in this training is appropriate for those looking to work with terminally ill clients toward the end of life, or those who work in hospice or related professions that tend to end of life care. This course will also provide 50 clock hours of study for LMTs wishing to log additional hours for licensure in other states.
This course will NOT provide you with a license to touch or train you in massage therapy. However, at the end of life, touch input is often overstimulating to the person in transition. This course focuses on ways that touch can shift to provide a greater sense of presence and become a bridge for energetic communication that can create the support that is needed at the end of life.
One Session:
12 modules
Course Includes:
Lecture Videos
Technique Videos
Support Photos
Recommended Reading List
*This is a certificate course.
In this course, you will go through a process of self-discovery and unpack your own relationship with death. My students often experience a deep healing from cultural wounding that has occurred as a result of casting death into the shadows out of fear. People are often unprepared to look at or contemplate their own deaths and as a result we keep ourselves from fully living. Are you looking to be here now? If so, join me in this course to embark on some of the most rewarding work of your life.
— Catheryn Schoenfarber, LMT + Founder of Spirit Wellness Institute
1 — Touch at the End of Life
2 — Anatomy of the Dying Body
3 — Ethics of Touch in Death
4 — Rolling and Positioning
5 — Intro to Shamanic Practice
6 — Ethics of Energywork
7 — Energetic Boundaries
8 — A Practice of Presence
9 — Clearing the Chakras
10 — House of Bones
11 — Postmortem Touch
12 — Releasing Grief
Catheryn Schoenfarber
LMT + Founder of Spirit Wellness Institute
Embark on this rare journey with Catheryn to grow your practice to its greatest potential. She is an industry expert that has cared for thousands of clients over the past 20 years. In that time, she has had the privilege of offering touch therapy to relieve pain, and provide comfort during the end of life. In death work, there is a need for not only an exceptional quality of touch, but also heightened intuitive or non-verbal skills. Catheryn’s specialty lies at this intersection, from years of cultivating mastery as a massage therapist and a shamanic practitioner. Holding space for death is a deeply enlivening endeavor and Catheryn is eager to share education that empowers others to hold others well at the end of life.
A note from Catheryn —
I created this course because I am passionate about death work and I felt that something vital was missing from other death work training — the development of the internal pathways of perception that allow a person, whether they’re a healer or bodyworker or death worker, to sense and track what is occurring with a dying person while they are transitioning. We have been disconnected from this medicine in our culture and we have forgotten how to initiate people into the process of "listening deeply without hearing." Yes, we are providing touch in the early stages of dying to alleviate pain and provide comfort, but we are also attuning our heart space and creating a container in which we become a steady anchor that creates the safety that is needed for the person transitioning to loosen and untether with less fear and apprehension. It is a sacred honor to allow the vast transition of death to occur, and to bear witness to someone's last breath. It feels like an honor beyond all others, and it’s one that I would like to offer to you. Join me!
Words of gratitude —
"You have a way of jump-starting the remembering of anyone who crosses your path. I'm just in total awe of all you do, Catheryn!"
— K.I.
“Thank you for being part of my grandfathers transition into the non physical, I deeply appreciate you!"
— N.S.
"The button that starts the machine of dreams was reignited on the day that I entered your classroom."
— A.C.
Touch for End of Life Care
Only on THE PORTAL — A New Educational Platform for Bodyworkers + Massage Therapists