Prenatal/Postnatal Massage
A 16-Hour Online Certificate Course only on
About this course:
In this course, you will gain an intimate knowledge of contraindications in practice; have a store house of side lying and supported supine techniques; have a deep understanding about the changing body during pregnancy; be able to add prenatal massage to your professional liability insurance; and be able to hold women with more compassion and confidence in this work.
Instructor: Kara McAllister — LMT and Founder of Branch to Root Wellness Center
Who can take this course?
This course was designed as continuing or supplementary education for LMTs and birth workers. Massage Therapists, Bodywork Professionals, Energywork Practitioners, Nurses, CNAs, and Doulas are all eligible to take this course.
This course will NOT provide you with a license to touch or train you in massage therapy.
47 lessons
Course Includes:
Printable Manual
Technique Videos
Structured Note Outline
Client Practice Forms
*This is a certificate course.
47 Videos
Side Lying Upper Body
First Touch & Draping
Applying Oil & Warming up the Back
C-Shaped Petrissage
QL Work
Erector Glides
Intercostal Raking
Lat Drag
Rhomboid Circles & Trigger Points
Milking the Neck
Elbow Work (voiceover)
Re-drape the Back
Side Lying Lower Body
Hip Compressions
Drapping the Leg
Effleurage the Leg
Stripping Towards Trochanter
Fascia Stretch
Trigger Point Glutes
Hip Mobilization
IT Band Release
Hamstring Work
Quad Work
Calf Work
Foot Work
Re-drape the Leg
Preparing to Roll
Rolling your Client
Replacing the Pillow
Hip Mobilization
Supported Supine
Applying Oil
Stripping the Pecs
Milking the Traps
Trigger Cervical Attachments
Facial Work
Jaw Work
Supporting the Forearm
Forearm Work
Kara McAllister
LMT, Founder of Branch to Root Wellness Center
Kara is the owner and practitioner of massage therapy at Branch to Root Wellness in Salem, MA, as well as a Certified Yoga Instructor with an exuberant passion for health and well being. Kara has a tender heart combined with a savvy sense of self that allows her to be both sensitive to her student’s needs as well as a powerful translator of information. A strong female business owner and a vital asset to her community, Kara is looking forward to paving the path for the future entrepreneurs in the health and wellness industry.
Prenatal/Postnatal Massage
Only on THE PORTAL — A New Educational Platform for Bodyworkers + Massage Therapists