Dynamic Neck and Spine

  • Targeted Techniques 

  • 50 Hours / 12 Weeks / $1200

  • Prerequisite Courses: MT 1 or in conjunction with

Tuesday 3:30pm - 7:45pm

Instructor Alycia Steele, MA LMT

Instructor Alycia Steele, MA LMT

About this course:

The most common complaints of body work clients often include neck and shoulder pain caused by stress and or dysfunction. To become a truly masterful massage therapist one must be well versed in the specific ways that we can address neck and back work for our clients with a deep understanding of the underlying structural and foundational integrity that this kinetic chain provides for our body.

Mastering the neck and spine:

  • Handling with Care

  • Ranges of Motion of the Neck/Spine

  • Manually Moving the Neck

  • Common Structural Abnormalities

  • Manual corrective movement

  • Posture and Stability

  • Trigger Point Release

It’s no secret that we live in a culture where natural movement patterns are interrupted every day by long hours spent sitting at a desk, on a computer, on a cell phone or simply by bending over to perform everyday tasks like loading a dishwasher or picking up a child. The average person engages in a forward bend anywhere from 3000-10,000 times daily, which if you have ever had a challenge with your back or neck, you understand to be a very large number indeed.

This hands-on course will teach students how to properly assess challenges that clients are having with their necks and backs from a structural as well as muscular point of view. Techniques will be applied that will allow students to gain confidence in handling the neck and spine with expertise as well as targeting and fine-tuning techniques that will allow for the greatest relief that can be provided from bodywork.