Massage Therapy 2

  • Advanced Massage Therapy: Targeted Techniques

  • 50 Hours / 12 Weeks / $1200

  • Prerequisite Courses: MT 1 

Tuesday 3:30pm - 7:45pm

Instructor Kara McAllister, MA LMT

Instructor Kara McAllister, MA LMT

About this course:

Massage Therapy 2 will provide an opportunity to integrate a new and focused set of techniques that will address the release of specific muscles and connective tissue related to common tension in the body. Techniques utilized will include the basic strokes of massage as outlined in Massage Therapy 1: Effleurage, Petrissage, Pin and Stretch, Trigger Point, and Stripping with specific intentions for effecting release in the muscles, fascia, joints and related tendons.

Specific muscle groups addressed:

  • Trapezius, Lavator

  • Occipital Ridge (posterior insertion of neck muscles)

  • Rhomboids and Rotator Cuff

  • Lats, QL, Longissimus and Illiocostalis

  • Glutes and Pelvic Stabalizers

  • Hamstrongs, Gastrocnemius and Soleus

  • Scalenes and SCM

  • Pecs and Deltoids

  • Biceps, Triceps and Forearms

  • Quadriceps and Tibialis

  • Psoas

  • Fascia (Whole Body)

Transition and technique integration:

Specific attention will be paid to each student’s ability to integrate the new techniques into the Spirit Wellness Swedish framework of full body massage that was learned in Massage Therapy 1. Focused practice time will be allotted in each class to practice transitions from one body part to another as well as creating a seamless flow in which the new techniques are interwoven.